An attempt to sort a drive full of textbooks and handouts, or, a number of value judgments on books I will never fully read.
# References
- Condensed Matter Physics
- Atomic and Molecular Physics
- Classical Mechanics
- Quantum Mechanics
- General Relativity
- Statistical Mechanics and Thermodynamics
- Electrodynamics
- Mathematics
in a book description means I haven't really read or understood the book and offer only uninformed hot takes.
# Other Links
## Resources and Information
- Research Internship Opportunities in India
Primarily meant for Indian 3+2 BSc/MSc students
## Booklists
- Vijay Fafat's Physics Usenet Booklist
Comprehensive and sorted by topic with comments
- Chris Hillman's Guide to Relativity Books
Sorted by level of sophistication, including historical perspectives and semi-pop-sci books.
- Gerard 't Hooft's Guide to Theoretical Physics
Deeply opinionated and the materials recommended are fairly advanced; a bunch of broken links as well
## Courses
Catalogs of multiple courses, sometimes including problem sets and videos. These might be linked elsewhere individually, but its worth collecting them in one place for homogeneity's sake.
- Leonard Susskind - Theoretical Minimum Courses
- Richard Fitzpatrick - UT Farside Courses
Wide range of courses over multiple levels, with both HTML pages and PDFs
- John Baez - UC Riverside Seminars
No idea what most of this stuff is about, the least advanced materials are the graduate courses at the end of the page
- David Tong - Cambridge DAMTP Courses
Multiple courses spanning multiple levels, but mostly upper-division/graduate courses
- Kirk McDonald - Princeton Physics Examples
Trove of examples and course notes with problem sets
## Blogs
- John Baez - This Week's Finds in Mathematical Physics
- "a motley crew of recent Berkeley Ph.D. students" - Secret Blogging Seminar
- Kaneenika Sinha - Academic Garden